May 18, 2012

New book on Gandhi terms the Mahatma a sex maniac

To Indians, Mahatma Gandhi is the Father of the Nation. But to some abroad, he has become a subject of strange critiquing. One such person is Jad Adams; a historian working as an author and an independent television producer in London.

Jad has written a biography titled Gandhi: Naked Ambition, wherein he claims Gandhi not only had a practice of sleeping next to naked girls, but that he spoke constantly of sex and gave detailed, often provocative, instructions to his followers as to how they might best observe chastity.

The book claims that Gandhi had an unusual sex life, stating that his friend and the first Prime Minister of independent India, Jawaharlal Nehru, described Gandhi’s advice to newly-weds to stay celibate for the sake of their souls, as “abnormal and unnatural”.

Jad goes on to add that while researching Gandhi, he came across a more bizarre sexual history, which he says was distorted or suppressed after his death during the process of elevating him into the ‘Father of the Nation’.

The book quotes the pre-independence prime minister of the Indian state of Travancore having called Gandhi, “a most dangerous, semi-repressed sex maniac”. It even states that as Gandhi’s father lay dying, he left his bedside to have sex with his wife Kasturba. Puff!

Reacting to the book, Indian public relations expert Dale Bhagwagar sarcastically tweeted, “If Jad Adams lived in the United Arab Emirates instead of the United Kingdom; he might have been stoned to death by now for writing a biography like this. Lol. It’s only India, with its tolerance levels, which may take such weird documentation with a pinch of salt.” (sic)

Jad should be thankful to the Mahatma for inculcating this great tolerance in his countrymen. The same may also save him from very harsh condemnation and backlash, even after penning such a controversial book,” he added.

Copyright © 2012 - ScrutinyByKHimaanshu


  1. Late rajiv dixit was against jawarlal nehru. Pt. nehru can be a sex maniac and everybody knows that too.....His affairs with Lady Mountbatten......But for Ghandhiji tis book is bullshit......We salute Gandhiji.

  2. So sick of this man. Hes such a asshole who is no other than jealous of indians. Get a life you whore!

  3. All history resources and writers’ references stated a Gandhi was poofter.
